It is still Possible
“Why should it be thought a thing incredible with you, that God should raise the dead?”
Acts 26:8
Truly from human perspectives, some things are just impossible!
Sometimes we assume that God cannot solve our problems!
Listen, there’s nothing too difficult for him to do, the work of his hands revealed his greatness and power to do the impossible and today get ready to see him work wonders in your life.
This year will still deliver completely. Your Turnaround is still a possibility.
The thought of impossibility paralysis initiative but when you believe it’s possible, you give it a chance.
Don’t put a stop where God put a pause.
If he raise the dead of many days, it’s not over yet.
Just celebrate His faithfulness.
Let’s pray:
Give thanks to God for his blessings
Sing and worship him in songs
Pray in the spirit for 10MIN
LORD, help me to believe that You can and are ready to undertake the impossible and change things in my Favour from today!
Please, arise and do the impossible and incredible for me!
In Jesus Wonderful Name!!! Its a new day.
Further reading:
“By terrible things in righteousness wilt thou answer us, O God of our salvation; who art the confidence of all the ends of the earth, and of them that are afar off upon the sea:”
Psalms 65:5 KJV
Jer. 32:17
Luke 18:27, please read
Good morning
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