Love Yourself!
“And the second is like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.”
Mark 12:31 KJV
Love yourself, love others. It’s impossible to love others if you don’t love yourself first.
No one else can love you than yourself.
Be good to others, be kind to yourself.
Be yourself! No one else can be like you. You are your original. Never envy others, your uniqueness manifest only when you are yourself.
Live your life better than who you were yesterday. Work hard to see the personality you are daily looking at in the mirror getting better day by day.
Be your competitor.
Envy no one, you are the biggest project no one else can stop working on other than YOU!
Be the best you can be.
Utilise your talents and skills to make your dreams come true! Make sure you are working on the great legacy to leave behind as your footprints.
You cannot love anyone more than you love yourself.
Take good care of you.
Build good self image
Speak good of yourself
If you don’t, no one else will.
Please draw the line, between loving yourself and selfishness
Let’s Pray
Give thanks to God this morning
Worship Him with songs of praise
Blast in the spirit for 10MIN
Lord I Receive grace to Love myself, celebrate myself because I’m the best creature you made.
I Love you Lord!
Good morning
I Love myself